Well where has the summer gone! Although we have had brilliant weather throughout the summer we are now into the wet Autumn which most of us have found out this week.
The committee and I have been working hard to get back on track with competitions, and those that have been played have been very well supported. It has been a very different method this year with no social gatherings after competitions which have been sorely missed, and with all results being posted on the blog and the IG site, unfortunately this is the only way that competitions can be played safely.
I am sure you have noticed the new score cards that the club are providing ready for the new World h/cap system that will be coming into force in early November. We will keep you informed as to if and when your h/cap will change during this time.
I would like to thank all the ladies that have made contributions to the charity this summer including those that played in the charity eclectic that we ran during the summer months, this seemed to keep us going when competitions were restricted.
We have only 2 competitions left in the diary this year the 13th October is the Vets vs Ladies and on the 18th October the Copper Beech (this Competition is still open for signing up). I am not sure what will happen in December it seems very unlikely that there will be a Christmas meeting or meal but perhaps something can be arranged. The AGM also seems unlikely due to social distancing but we the committee will keep you informed.
I hope you are all keeping an eye on the IG system which I must say a big thank you once again to Julie Harris whom is keeping everything up to date. I know a new system can be daunting to lots of us but once you get to grips with this it can be very easy to use. You can book tee times, check your h/cap and also use it to check on up and coming competitions.
The Captain’s charity day that was held on the 30th August was very successful and raised a brilliant £2410.00 and I would like to thank you all that entered and all those that supported the raffle. On the 25th October we have the Captains Texas Scramble this is a 4 ball of any combination (mixed,ladies!men) with a bacon roll and coffee on arrival at £10 pp raffle tickets are on sale at £5 per strip.
All I need to say now is happy winter golfing, stay safe and keep well.
Carol (Lady Captain)